Monday, January 05, 2009

The Book Lady

The wonderful about twitter is all the new people you meet and all the great blog posts you stumble upon. One example is the blog: The Book Lady. The Book Lady is actually a woman named Caryn Caldwell and I have thoroughly enjoyed readng through her articles.

A good blog to me is one that has a mixture of several facets of the author's life without becoming too random. In this case, Caryn has a few topics she covers frequently, one being her cats. Her cats are adorable. The photos alone make this a read-worthy blog.

But then you have great (and dare I say timeless) articles like this: Guerrilla Cleaning for the Time-Crunched.

It didn't take me long to add this blog to my feed reader (I use Google Reader). Have a look and you may be subscribing too.

BTW, you can find me on twitter at