Wednesday, July 19, 2006

July 15

2 B Read
" 2 B Read ...books. 2 B Read authors. And now, a blog you'll want on your daily 2 B Read list. Welcome to the blogging home of the PASIC chapter of the Romance Writers of America. Dig with us through our neverending TBR piles; get the scoop on what to read next; share our insight and help us wonder about the romance writing industry and publishing in general. If you're a reader or a writer, you're gonna like it here!" Enough said. Check it out!

July 14

Niki Burnham's Blog
Check out the world of young adult author Niki Burnham. See what she's watching, reading and writing!

July 13

Camy Tang
Meet multicultural, asian chick-lit author Camy Tang. She's got one of the longest running blogs around. Frequently updated too!

July 12

Colleen Gleason
Another vampire-ish blog today, check out historical author Colleen Gleason's blog. Colleen "writes the historical vampire slayer series, The Gardella Vampire Chronicles, which will debut in January."

July 11

Broken Heart Vamps Blog
"Hi, there! My name is Jessica Matthews and I run the Broken Heart Vamps MySpace and Blog. I don't know how the hell I got stuck with this particular duty because everything technology freaks me out. I STILL can't get the damned PDA to work right and do NOT get me started about the fancy cell phone assigned to me by the Consortium. Uh ... what were we talking about?

Right. The blog. Michele Bardsley, who's a human drone (though we Consortium vampires aren't supposed to have drones, so I have to call her "an author of fiction") said I should come over and put in my blog 'n stuff. Y'see, her version of our little town and what happened last summer is coming out in September. It's called I'M THE VAMPIRE, THAT'S WHY and she seems to think promoting it is something I should do.

Well, anyway, I hope you include us on your tour because God knows I don't want to hear Michele whine anymore about "promotion" and "sell-through" and "never selling another book because I suck, suck, suck." (She doesn't mean that in the same way I do ... because for a vampire, to suck is a good thing.)


I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks Jessica & Michele!

July 10

Dreaming in Daylight
Luna Author Gail Dayton muses on her writing life, how life interferes with it, and whatever else strikes her fancy.

July 9

Finding Fair Hope
Living in the past & present. Nonfiction author discusses living in small society. And her infatuation with Anderson Cooper, and who could blame her.

July 8

Jen's Blog
I thought the married visitors might get a kick out of the person's "merging" of their libraries.

Friday, July 07, 2006

July 7

Anna DeStefano
Southern gal Anna DeStefano does lots of giveaways on her blog. And she's always got something witty to say. And this week she's got a bunch of hotties (Italian hotties, yummers) on there. Check it out!

Don't forget to tell your friends to join the blog tour!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

July 6

High Fiber Content
Thursday is poetry day. And since today is thursday, I thought that was appropriate.

July 5

UK Historical Romance
Let me start by saying I've never been able to get into Historical Romances... but this blog makes me want to be a fan! It's a fun group blog with some awesome historical authors, several of whom I "know." Want to find out how to make an author blush? Check out this blog.

July 4

I thought it would be nice to have a fun patriotic blog for the 4th. But after an hour of searching I couldn't really find a good one. So, if you know of a blog that posted an entry on July 4th, leave us a comment so we can check it out. Happy 4th of July!

July 3

Cassidy's Romantic Ramblings
Cassidy McKay is a new author (and therefore reason enough to visit b/c well, we should all show support for new authors!!!) and hilarious too. She's got some funny tales on her blog that will leave you grinning. "Excerpts, daily life, fun, twisted ramblings, contests, book giveaways, etc. will be coming soon to THE BLOG. Come join the fun!" I couldn't agree more.

July 2

Viva Anna Vixen
If you're looking to inspire your naughtier side, check out Viva's blog. Not only does she make recommendations on some great books, she also posts occasional "hottie" pictures, an in general lots of book talk.

July 1

Tampa Book Buzz
An awesome local blog by a die hard reader. Find out what's new in the Tampa Florida book scene, meet some great new authors, and perhaps get some ideas for starting your own local book blog! What an awesome idea! If you know of similar blogs, please submit them to our directory. :-)